Further updates from Andrew

After having a tutorial with Julia, I went and recontacted Andrew about progressing on with the project. I sent him an email asking him what I would like him to do and the types of images I would like to have to include into the project.

My email to Andrew in regards to the development of the project:

Hi Andrew,
Hope you are well. I thought I’d send a follow up email to you after reviewing the images I have currently received from you with my tutor.
My tutor really liked some of the images you sent and thinks they’ll make great inclusions in the book. She has made some suggestions of images that would be good to include further in the book that she said to suggest to you.
She has suggested it would be nice to set you a kind of project. This could take place over a week for example or even a day where you would just have to document your day to day events, such as cooking, cleaning, changing beds, going for a walk. Really menial things that just show what life is like on a daily basis. She said it would be nice maybe if you and Lynn took turns to photograph each other doing different activities such as baking or the such. I think this would be a lovely addition to the story. Also images from your life back in England would be good to contrast to your life in France if you have any.
Another suggestion was when photographing activities to try to include the room or area you are in such as the kitchen so as to give more context of life and the space in which you live.
The number of images we are allowed has now been increased from 15 so we can have as many as we need to make a book – which i think will really benefit this project.
Also, if possible, it would be lovely to show some of the writing you have in the guest book from the site. However if this includes addresses or anything that can identify people, you can be assured this wouldn’t be used anywhere outside of the course. We just thought it may be a nice addition to the more ‘job’ and ‘work’ section of the story.
These are just suggestions but I think it would be great if we could work on these ideas if that is ok with you as I think they’ll add real potential to the project.
Hopefully this all makes sense and I look forward to hearing back from you! It should give some interesting results!
Best wishes,
Following on from my email, about 4 days later Andrew replied with an update on the project:
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He has put some more images into the folder for me to have a look at and see if any are usable. He has tried to create a ‘day in the life’ style format that was kind of what I asked for in my email. This was to focus more at their daily activities and the things they do everyday, which in this case is taking the dogs for a walk and visiting the different areas that surround their homes. I think they have actually got some good shots in the folder, as well as some images taken by each other of each other, which I what I asked for in my email.
Andrew has also said once he has found some more images from back home in England, he will also add them to the folder so that I can have this contrast between his life then and his life now. This will be great because it gives me a bit more context about daily life for them then and daily life for them now, especially when I am trying to work on the wording for the book. Currently a lot of the imagery I do have is monumental or only certain memorable moments – there was nothing really ‘day to day’ or simple and just daily life, which is what I feel I really need to be able to represent and capture. Hopefully, however, some of the images they have sent now are starting to get to this point.
New Images:
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I think this is a good development in our communication as I feel that Andrew is beginning to understand more about what I am looking for and I am beginning to understand more about what he has to offer.
I am hoping to send him a rough draft with some of the images on it soon because I think he’ll understand more about how I can portray his and his wife’s story and the narrative and I want to convey. This should also help give him an idea of what i am actually doing with the images and how I go about doing this. It will also give him the chance to feedback to me about what he likes and what he might not.
Therefore I think that the next step for me is to continue building up the book and the start I have and then working forward from here with Andrew.

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